Egg Hunt

It's great to have such a wonderful first memory of Easter because in later years I came to realise that, for me, this time of year often coincided with bouts of depression. Don't ask me why. It's not like I timed it that way, but sure enough, if I go back to my darkest daze, they seem to be inexplicably linked with Easter...
It's not all doom n gloom though. I remember one time - before the days of being hounded by the black dog - when I shared a house with two sisters in St Kilda. The three of us loved to throw a party, any excuse would do and all our friends would join in. One particular night a group of us went mental after drinking who knows what (topped off by shots of sambucca with the requisite coffee beans). With music blaring we ran around the house yelling and screaming, "Egg hunt, egg hunt" and throwing little chocolate eggs around. The sisters had been given some 'Elegant Rabbits' as an Easter treat, but in the frenzy (and without the sisters' knowledge) they'd been smashed, their chocolate carcasses left shattered in the bathtub with large plastic rats (leftovers from a Halloween party) strategically placed so as to look like they were feasting on the rabbits. Somewhere during the mayhem real chook eggs were smashed against the kitchen wall just above the heads of our guests - someone always goes too far (yes, I'm afraid I'm guilty) and one of us (I swear it wasn't me) wrote in thick black texta on one of the doors: 'Egg Cunt'
Wishing you all a peaceful Easter
I still laugh about eggcunt till this day. Hilarious with a touch of spice, I think there were a few tears with the loss of those elegant rabbits!
Sheila, I wouldn't be surprised if you're the culprit with the texta!
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