coincidence file > amy

I woke around 3:15 this morning and switched on the telly. Channel 9 was screening Amy, the 1998 Australian film directed by Nadia Tass and starring Rachel Griffiths. I have a love affair with Australian films, which began when I was a kid. Back then it was all about seeing my favourite actors from the soapies popping up in different roles. This memory came back to me as I sat in bed watching Amy for the first time. There was a strong contingent of actors who, amongst other credits, had all appeared in Prisoner: Janet Andrewartha (Reb), Mary Ward (Mum), Frank Gallacher (Mr Bentley) and Kerry Armstrong (Lynn). Joining them was a host of other performers I knew from various roles: Ben Mendelsohn, Susie Porter, Malcolm Kennard, Torquil Neilson, Jan Friedl and William Zappa. A wonderful ensemble.
But the thing that really caught my attention at 1/4 past 3 this morning was the scene where Zac (Jeremy Trigatti) arrives at Amy's (Alana De Roma) house with his home made hubcap percussion instrument. He begins to sing and Amy joins in. The song is Stand By Your Man
Well that is a coincidence. I was just thinking about Rachel Griffiths and how she is such a natural in SIX FEET UNDER. Then I read your blog and realised I'd never seen AMY. I'll have to hire it ASAP.
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